From or AEC KE0DLJ, Mike:
Good evening all.
Just a reminder about our regularly schedule meeting on April 16th. The topic was/is going to be go-bags and contingency radio operations.
That said, keeping an eye on the severe weather outlook. We have some indications on severe weather expected starting Monday and into Tuesday night, with a focus on chances of extreme events Tuesday night. Not only do we want to keep everyone safe, but, we want to be sure not to pull our most involved individuals out while we’re keeping an eye out for notable events.
I will brief this at tonight’s net, but stay posted to this thread for updates over the next 48 hours. I’m loath to cancel meetings, and want to stay as regular as possible, but as I get more info and on the concerns above, may do so. And of course everyone stay up to date for yourselves and maintaining your own safety posture!
Thanks all on the attention and flexibility!
Mike Jesse